Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Teachers Day

Yes. It's Teachers day today. But what is the point in celebrating teachers’ day when our hands are tied? When our roles are restricted? Our Education System has changed the colour of teachers and their teaching styles. Our Education System is restricted to teaching syllabus, and teachers shrink themselves to deliver the syllabus. Earlier days, the Education System was completely different. They taught us how to look at life; they taught us how to look into ourselves; they taught us how to love others beyond conditions and taught us to be grateful for life and God. The teacher was given full rights and they took full responsibility for a student's life. They were not students, but disciples. Earlier days, they helped the disciples on how to think and to question everything they see including their own existence. Is the scenario the same today?

No. Today we teach them only definitions; we teach them on how to get good scores and teach them how to compete. We never allow the child to bloom. Parents never see the child 'as they are' but see them 'as they want'. Teachers are forced to produce results and they run behind the child with the syllabus. Worst of all teachers don't have full rights on a child. In today's' scenario they can't even point out a child's mistake. We produce only doctors and engineers. It is not the best version of a child. Teaching should help the child to become better beings. Teaching should help the child to be fully aware of its own self. Today is an Era of Information and a child does not require a teacher to just teach information which is already available on Google. Anybody can do that! 
A teacher's role is much beyond that. Education System should be flexible to help a teacher to inspire. Education System should give full freedom and rights to a teacher to shape a child’s life. It should cater to the needs of the child rather than needs of the parents. It should explore the full potentials of a child. It should see the child beyond assumptions and definitions. It should teach the child to embrace humanity. It should help the child to learn both acceptance and rejections. A child should be made to understand that its life is not determined according to others views and opinion. A child should be taught to accept criticisms constructively. Education System should help students apply what they learnt into practice. But as said, our hands are tied. Until we allow teachers to work in full freedom, exploring their capabilities and thereby shaping the world of a child, we cannot celebrate Teachers day. 


  1. உங்கள் தேடல்களுக்கு தீர்வு ஈஷா சமஸ்கிருதி வேத பாடசாலை.

  2. உங்கள் தேடல்களுக்கு தீர்வு ஈஷா சமஸ்கிருதி வேத பாடசாலை.
