Monday, October 5, 2015

The Map is not the Territory - Part I

In this post we are going to discuss ways to enhance our life and to succeed. There are many things which we need to focus in life and we will be discussing those things in various posts. 

1. Set goals

Our circumstances don’t shape us, rather it reveals who we are. We attract not only what we love, but also what we fear. The thought that gets our attention and focus go into the unconscious and act as a magnet and this called the ‘Law of Attraction’. To attract only good things, we need to focus on right thinking. Right thinking is guided by right self talk and goals. stop worrying about others and start believing yourself.

2.      Divide and conquer

Learn to separate the important from urgent work. Learn to prioritize your work.
3. Write a personal Mission statement

4. Don’t complicate matters

Think before you act. Look for the simple ways of doing things. Before attempting to do anything, first under the problem. Analyze whether you have the necessary resources to do these things? Think whether it is worth the time you are investing? Can you delegate the work and if so, find the right person for doing the work.

5.      Commit to never ending improvement

Seek ways to do things better in all walks of life. Commitment comes from inside and it is measured against the best.  Take each of your goal and think and how you can improve it.

6.      Be Prudent

Separate your needs and wants. You can work for your need but not necessarily to fulfill all your wants. Keep your life as simple as possible. Try to find contentment in all things you do. Ultimately, success is not measured by money but how happy and contended you are.

7.      Make today special

Every day, every minute is special for we are born new. As the saying goes “we can’t step into the river twice”, what has happened as happened. Every day is a new beginning. Don’t carry your anger or hatred with you. Settle everyday account of hatred, jealously, fear, suspicion, love etc at the end of the day and begin the next day anew. Don’t carry your burden.

Be aware. Pay attention to all the small things in life and you can see that your life is blessed with miracles. Divide your day and plan accordingly.
8.      Record your thoughts

It is always good to record our thought process. When an event happens, we might not see the event as it is, but as we are. So to check our thinking errors it is always better to record our thoughts and to seek evidence for all our thinking patterns.
9.      Use the power of patience

Be persistent and patient. Not everything happens at the first strike. Thomas Edison conducted 100’s of experiment before he could invent electric light bulb. The only thing that matters is that you should try and keep trying with a belief that the best is yet to come.

10.      Maintain a positive mental attitude

A positive mental attitude comes from being grateful to all the things and the person around us. Every person you meet teaches you a new lesson. No meeting on this earth is a coincidence. Everything is perfectly planned. Before you accept others, accept your own self without any condemnation. Be non judgmental and love unconditionally. Forgive others. Remember that “Every saint was a sinner once and a sinner can turn into a saint”. 

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