Thursday, January 15, 2015

Who You are? What You are? - Part II

In the last post we discussed about why some people perceive things in different manner and why some other perceive things in entirely different manner. The reason is that all of us have some assumption and attributes (explanation for behavior) about our own self and others. This we learn from our parents and our own learning experience. Based on these assumption and attributes we form fixed beliefs about our self and others and we focus  only on those information which fits our beliefs. So here the problem is not the event, but how we see the event.  If we change our thinking patterns, our view of the problem changes and it becomes easy for us to solve it.

Everything starts from what has been taught to us about the world, about others and about our own self. This gets firmly rooted and forms a core belief about everything around us. Core beliefs are generally formed in childhood and get influenced by repeated messages from others. Similar and repeated experiences are called as themes. They are the lens through which we see our world. Everyone has different core beliefs.

Lets see how this core beliefs operate.

The core belief shapes the way we see our self, the world and others. The above diagram explains that, how our childhood experiences shape our cognitive beliefs. The boy is always scolded by his father for his poor performance. Repeatedly the boy gets scolding and it forms a theme, a core belief that he is useless. This core belief gets deeply implanted in him. In his early days of childhood, to cope with the situation he exhibits various behaviors like being angry or aggressive and bullies others. These behaviors are also learnt. In the present if the person is faced with a very similar situation, his core belief gets activated and immediately his automatic thoughts gets activated. As the name implies, these thoughts erupt automatically. They just pop up and can be in form of verbal thoughts or images. Once the automatic thoughts are activated our earlier forms of behavioral strategies also gets activated and leads to various physical. emotional and behavioral aspects.

Based on these core beliefs we tend to form assumptions. Assumptions are some basic rules we have for our life. We always feel that “I should win” “I should be liked by all” “Only if I win everyone will like me”. So all these rules also shape our life.  These core beliefs, assumptions and automatic thoughts decide who we are. To be simple, they can be compared to a plant.

Actually if you observe very closely our emotions will last only less than twenty minutes. You might think that, if the above said statement is true why is that many people feel sad for weeks and how some people feel angry for months. The explanation is that, the actual feeling last only for twenty minutes, but we never see the event as it is. We exaggerate the events by our thoughts. The problem is in the present, but we think for future, say we think in terms of ‘what happens?’. We keep on adding our thoughts to the feeling.

I fail – I cry (If we don’t add our thoughts to this, this feeling will last only for ten minutes).But what I do is, I exaggerate the problem.

When you have these kinds of thoughts, have you ever questioned ‘What is the probability that each of these thinking will come true?’ If we would have assessed the probability of each thought, we would have progressed. Actual problem is like a deflated balloon. We blow the balloon, filling our thoughts and inflating it,  and later complain that the problem is big. Without these thoughts, our feeling will last only for few minutes. Instead of all these thoughts, if we think that ‘what is the chances that these thinking will come true?. "Yes. I failed. But it does not mean that I will fail forever. It is just a bad day and not a bad life". If we think this way our emotions will quickly settle down.  But the problem is that we are not living in the present. When a problem comes immediately we start thinking in terms of past or future. All our core beliefs activate and we start questioning us, instead of questioning our thinking.

Let us consider that two person has a same core belief “I am useless”. But one person progress well in life, whereas the other person is nailed by negative thoughts. Why is it so? Keep thinking…..Lets discuss this in the next post.

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